Know another business that’s owed money?

Partnership Referral

Why become a partner?

“Join forces with us to build an additional source of revenue”

Baker Group’s partnership referral program is a new way to join forces with us to build an additional source of revenue, possibly surpassing your primary source (if your contacts align with our proper client base), by simply recommending and/or referring a business, an individual or any other entities that deal with business to business transactions and have unpaid invoices, outstanding debts or unpaid commissions for Baker Group

Main Things We are looking for in partners:

One can’t go wrong in business when they are making money while helping people. With Baker Group’s Referral Partner Program you can do exactly that!

Growing your business network is a huge tool and joining Baker Group’s Referral Partner Program helps you add value to your current network, and expand your reach with those you already do business with.

Earn 2-5% on the fees paid for the lifetime of each client you refer, which is paid monthly to the referral partner (you).

Earn 1% override on every Associate Referral Partner that you sign up. If you sign up a referral partner which refers 500 other businesses to us, you would effectively make a 1% override on all of that partners referrals, in perpetuity

Direct Referral and Associate Partner Referrals are paid monthly and in perpetuity (lifetime of the client) to the referral partner. As you can see, the fees can grow and compound rather quickly

Marketing Expert
Jen C.

Baker Live Consultant

Got questions? Talk to us today.

Customer Retention Is The Cornerstone

Compensation Schedule

Types of Referral Accounts:


Company does 0-1 million a year in revenue and currently has 1-5 outstanding debtors


Company does 1-5 million a year in revenue and currently has 3-10 outstanding debtors and at least one of the debts is less than a year old


Company does 5-50 million a year in revenue and currently has 5-20 outstanding debtors and at least five of the debts is less than a year old


Company does 50+ million a year in revenue and currently has 10+ outstanding debtors and at least seven of the debts is less than a year old

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Talk to our live representative regarding updates to your accounts or any inquiries

Don’t wait any longer!

Placing an account with Baker is your first step to getting paid for what you worked for!

“Baker recovered over $1,000,000 on 38 accounts within 45 days of placing them for collections! I can’t say enough good things about them.”

G. Anderson

S&P 500 Company CFO (Confidentiality Disclosure)

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